SURveillance of Physical Activity, Sedentary behaviours and Sleep (SurPASS)
SurPASS is a sister project to ProPASS. SurPASS aims to develop and evaluate an e-system for measuring daily physical behaviours (physical activity, sedentary behaviours, and sleep) at work and non-work time of working adults.
The vision of the SurPASS project is to develop a system for measuring physical behaviours in large adult populations that:
accurately measures physical behaviours
has low participant burden (e.g. easy to use and high hygiene)
has low administrative burden (e.g. cheap in cost, automated analytics, low logistic burden, high data security, low expertise demands)
can be used in large-scale surveillances and cohorts
- ​can be used at national and international levels.
The system will consist of:
A SENS motion® (https://sens.dk) patch-based tri-axial sensor for long-term monitoring of physical behaviours to be attached to the thigh. Such device can be sent to participants via postal mail and participants can attach the sensor themselves. The device can measure and store data for several weeks, and encrypt and transmit data to a secured server.
An app on participants' smartphone to initialise the measurements, provide a user guide, automatically upload data to a secured server, and provide visual feedback on the physical behaviours to the participants after the measurement period.
A web application for administrators for registering participants, managing sensors, and viewing and exporting data.
A secured server based on SENS motion® technology for automatically
importing encrypted data from a sensor (via app), decrypting it and storing it regularly
cleaning and analysing sensor data based on previously validated algorithms to identify physical behaviours.
The system will be implemented in real life through the following 8 steps:
The figure below describes the three phases in which the 8 steps of the monitoring system will be developed, iterated and evaluated.
Get in touch with us!
NFA Core working group
Nidhi Gupta, senior researcher - ngu@nfa.dk
Rasmus Kildedal, research assistant - rak@nfa.dk
Sandra Schade Jacobsen, research assistant - ssj@nfa.dk
Patrick Joseph Crowley, postdoc- pjc@nfa.dk
Markus Due Jakobsen, senior researcher - mdj@nfa.dk
Andreas Holtermann, professor - aho@nfa.dk
SENS Innovation team
Kasper Lundberg Lykkegaard, CEO - kasper@sens.dk
Kasper Kobberholm, product manager - kasper.k@sens.dk
Morten Kjærgaard, CTO - morten@sens.dk
Scientific Reference Group
Professor, Emmanuel Stamatakis, Sydney University - emmanuel.stamatakis@sydney.edu.au
Professor, Leon Straker, Perth University - L.Straker@curtin.edu.au
Senior Researcher, Mette Aadahl, Copenhagen University - mette.aadahl@regionh.dk
Professor, Paul Jarle Mork, NTNU - paul.mork@ntnu.no
Researcher, Peter Johansson, Uppsala University - peter.johansson@medsci.uu.se