4th Annual ProPASS Meeting - April 2022
Sharing the experience: setting up and expanding large international consortia of wearable devices
The 4th ProPASS Annual Meeting took place on 27-28 April 2022 as a 2 half-day online event. We were proud to announce that this Annual Meeting was co-hosted with the International Society for Physical Health (ISPAH). In 2022, the theme of the event was the development and expansion of large international consortia of wearables and cohort studies. Click to view the conference program.
Keynote speakers & discussants included:
Professor Fiona Bull | WHO
Professor Pedro Hallal | Federal University of Pelotas / Editor in Chief (J Phys Act Health)
Professor Jasper Shipperijn | ISPAH President, and University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Associate Professor Karen Milton |ISPAH President-elect, and University of East Anglia, UK
Dr Bronwyn Clark | International Society for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour (ISMPH) President, and
University of Queensland, Australia
Professor Anthony Okely | University of Wollongong, Australia
Professor Andreas Holtermann | National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Denmark
Dr Becca Wilson | University of Liverpool, UK
Dr Isabel Fortier | Maelstrom Research, Mc Gill University, Canada
Video recordings of each session can be found on this page.